Source code for chemics.molecular_weight

Function to calculate molecular weight.

import re
from .atomic_elements import atomic_elements

def _find_end(tokens):
    Find tokens.

    Find index of closing parenthesis. Based on function from Rhomboid at

    tokens : list of str
        List of strings representing molecular formula.

    idx : int
        Index of closing parenthesis.
    count = 0

    for idx, t in enumerate(tokens):
        if t == ")":
            count -= 1
            if count == 0:
                return idx
        elif t == "(":
            count += 1

    raise ValueError("Unmatched parentheses")

def _parse(tokens, stack):
    Parse items.

    Parse items in formula list. Get atomic weight of each item or multiply by
    number of elements. Final value is molecular weight of the formula. Based
    on function from Rhomboid at

    tokens : list of str
        List of strings representing molecular formula.
    stack : list of float
        Molecular weights of each element in formula.

    mole_weight : float
        Sum of molecular weights from molecular formula.
    if len(tokens) == 0:
        mole_weight = sum(stack)
        return mole_weight

    t = tokens[0]

    if t == "(":
        end = _find_end(tokens)
        stack.append(_parse(tokens[1:end], []))
        return _parse(tokens[end + 1 :], stack)
    elif t in atomic_elements:
    elif t.isdigit():
        stack[-1] *= int(t)

    return _parse(tokens[1:], stack)

[docs] def molecular_weight(formula): """ Molecular weight. Tokenize a molecular formula to determine total molecular weight. Calculation is based on atomic weight values from IUPAC [1]_. Parameters ---------- formula : str Molecular formula or element Returns ------- mw : float Molecular weight of the formula or element in g/mol Examples -------- >>> cm.molecular_weight('C') 12.011... >>> cm.molecular_weight('CH4') 16.04... >>> cm.molecular_weight('(NH4)2SO4') 132.13... References ---------- .. [1] IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2016. """ tokens = re.findall(r"[A-Z][a-z]*|\d+|\(|\)", formula) molecular_weight = _parse(tokens, []) return molecular_weight