Gas mixture properties

This example calculates the molecular weight and viscosity of a gas mixture using the GasMixture class. The gas mixture is initialized with a list of Gas objects and their associated mole fractions.

import chemics as cm

gas1 = cm.Gas('H2', 773)
gas2 = cm.Gas('N2', 773)
gas3 = cm.Gas('CH4', 825)

gas_mixture = cm.GasMixture([gas1, gas2, gas3], [0.4, 0.1, 0.5])
mw = gas_mixture.molecular_weight()
mu = gas_mixture.viscosity()

print('Gas mixture properties')
print(f'molecular weight  {mw:.2f} g/mol')
print(f'viscosity         {mu:.2f} microPoise (μP)')

This prints the output shown below.

Gas mixture properties
molecular weight  11.63 g/mol
viscosity         226.75 microPoise (μP)