Gas properties

Gas properties such as molecular weight, density, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and viscosity can be calculated using the Gas class. The example given below calculates nitrogen gas properties at 773 K and 101,325 Pa which is the default pressure.

import chemics as cm

gas = cm.Gas('N2', 773)
mw = gas.molecular_weight
rho = gas.density()
cp = gas.heat_capacity()
k = gas.thermal_conductivity()
mu = gas.viscosity()

print('Nitrogen gas properites')
print(f'molecular weight      {mw:.2f} g/mol')
print(f'density               {rho:.3f} kg/m³')
print(f'heat capacity         {cp:.2f} J/(mol⋅K)')
print(f'thermal conductivity  {k:.3f} W/(m⋅K)')
print(f'viscosity             {mu:.2f} microPoise (μP)')

This prints the output shown below.

Nitrogen gas properites
molecular weight      28.01 g/mol
density               0.442 kg/m³
heat capacity         31.24 J/(mol⋅K)
thermal conductivity  0.054 W/(m⋅K)
viscosity             363.82 microPoise (μP)