
Convert a list of mass fractions y to mole fractions where mw is the molecular weight in g/mol for each component. In this example, the components represent C, H, O, and N.

>>> y = [0.36, 0.16, 0.20, 0.28]
>>> mw = [12.011, 1.008, 15.999, 14.007]
>>> cm.massfrac_to_molefrac(y, mw)
array([0.135..., 0.717..., 0.0565..., 0.0903...])

Convert a list of mole fractions x to mass fractions.

>>> x = [0.36, 0.16, 0.20, 0.28]
>>> mw = [12.011, 1.008, 15.999, 14.007]
>>> cm.molefrac_to_massfrac(x, mw)
array([0.372..., 0.0138..., 0.275..., 0.337...])