Chemical equation

The ChemicalEquation class provides product and reactant properties from an equation that represents a chemical reaction.

>>> eq = cm.ChemicalEquation('2 HCl + 2 Na -> 2 NaCl + H2')

# Check if atomic elements of the reactants and products are balanced
>>> eq.is_balanced()

# Total number of atomic elements for each product
>>> eq.prod_elements
{'Na': 2.0, 'Cl': 2.0, 'H': 2.0}

# Total number of moles for the products
>>> eq.prod_moles

# Total mass of the products
>>> eq.prod_mass

# Total number of atomic elements for each reactant
>>> eq.rct_elements
{'H': 2.0, 'Cl': 2.0, 'Na': 2.0}

# Total number of moles for the reactants
>>> eq.rct_moles

# Total mass of the reactants
>>> eq.rct_mass

# Properties of the products
>>> eq.prod_properties
              NaCl        H2
moles          2.0       1.0
species       NaCl        H2
molwt        58.44     2.016
mass        116.88     2.016
molfrac   0.666667  0.333333
massfrac  0.983044  0.016956

# Properties of the reactants
>>> eq.rct_properties
               HCl        Na
moles          2.0       2.0
species        HCl        Na
molwt       36.458     22.99
mass        72.916     45.98
molfrac        0.5       0.5
massfrac  0.613275  0.386725

Names can be assigned to chemical species using the names parameter.

>>> names = {'CHAR': 'C', 'CH2OHCHO': 'C2H4O2'}
>>> eq = cm.ChemicalEquation('5 NaCl + 3 H2O -> CH4 + 2.2 CHAR + CH2OHCHO', names)
>>> eq.prod_elements
{'C': 5.2, 'H': 8.0, 'O': 2.0}